[an-nyeong-ha-se-yo] [How are you]
처음만나서 반갑습니다
[cho-em man-na-so ban-gap-sem-ni-da] [Nice to Meet You for the first time ^^.. ]
This is a famous Korean phrase when we meeting someone for the first time.
I'm Korean graduate student, in *** University in Seoul,Korea. i choose to study in Korea because i love to watch Korean drama. I would like to study their language so that i could at least understand a bit what they are saying in the drama.
Are u same with me? love to watch korean drama, & would like to learn a least their basic language. Come, i could teach you a basic korean.. ^^.. i could teach you Speaking&Writing skill both handwrite& typewrite.& we could even be friend to practice korean casually.
So, 안녕하세요, 처음만나서 반갑습니다 ^^...
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